DIY: Vacation Jars

When we travel I save everything from our adventures. Ticket stubs, maps, brochures, fliers, little keepsakes, all of it. I’d scrapbook them occasionally but mostly these things would sit in a box I would peruse once a year, debating if I should toss it all. Our move really made me think about a solution to this issue since the goal was to pare down our belongings to essentials.

Unintentionally I found the greatest solution. As they always do, Young House Love provided genius inspiration for what to do with all of my travel treasures: Vacation Jars! Basically you put all of your keepsakes into a jar to put on display instead of having all of your treasures sit in a box unseen.

I started by buying a case of 32 oz. Mason Ball jars at A.C. Moore. I trimmed down all of my keepsakes to jar height. I laid them all out on the floor so I could make a mock up of the arrangement.

Here is when into our Portland, Maine jar:


I carefully placed all of my items in the jar so they would each show. Here’s the finished jar, front and back:


I repeated this same process with 12 more jars. Some of my favorite ones are…

Our 2010 Cross Country Road Trip Jar:


(I say 2010 because we’re planning another cross country road trip for 2012, stay tuned.)

Our Vermont Jar:


Our Honeymoon Jar:


Our Boston Jar (yes, it’s totally legit to have a Hometown Jar):


Our full collection of vacation jars in the office:


IMG_3485 IMG_3796

Author: Domestocrat

I'm a lady who enjoys photography, football, cooking, long drives with the windows down, This American Life, kettlecorn, hot yoga, pop punk, my nephews, my cat Reggie, and my home: Boston.

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