DIY: The Perfect Fall Centerpiece

Pinterest inspiration strikes again! I saw these lovely acorn candle holders on there last week and loved them for Fall. It seems the interweb is already obsessed with Fall. Don’t get me wrong, it’s my favorite season and all but it’s still August, people!

We went camping last weekend (before the hurricane) and I collected a whole ton of acorns to make these myself. Here’s how I did it:

I spread out all of my acorns on a paper towel and shook them around to get the dirt off.


I then went over each of them with a damp paper towel and laid them out to dry overnight.


The next day I got all of my materials together:

  • Two Ball mason jars
  • Two white candles (I keep a box of the IKEA Jubla candles on hand)
  • My pile of acorns (about 50 maybe)


The rest was super easy: I centered my candle in the middle of the jar and surrounded with half of my acorns, and repeated that for both jars.




Here’s a sneak peak of the candles on our brand new, custom-made, reclaimed wood table. More to come on this new addition to our home soon!


What do you think? How do you decorate for Fall?

Author: Domestocrat

I'm a lady who enjoys photography, football, cooking, long drives with the windows down, This American Life, kettlecorn, hot yoga, pop punk, my nephews, my cat Reggie, and my home: Boston.

6 thoughts

  1. Super cute! I learned the hard way that sometimes bugs live inside acorns and it helps to pop them in the oven for a few minutes to kill anything before crafting with them.

  2. Love it! I tried to do something last year with all the acorns that fall near our house (novel thing to me, being a Northwesterner), but they molded in a few days. I’ll be sure to pop them in the oven this time!

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