Our Honeymoon: Portland, Oregon (Part 4)

Day 5 began with breakfast at our very first food truck in Portland, The Big Egg. The egg sandwiches we had there were so good, I’m still thinking about it.


Bellies full, we hit the road to Multnomah Falls about 40 minutes outside of the city.


The Falls are 620 feet of pounding water sourced from an underground spring. So stunning.


We decided to go up the little trail to stand on that bridge you see in the above pictures. It took a minute or two and the view from the bridge was really cool, but wet!


Just beyond the bridge was a trail to follow to lead up to the very top of the Falls. John wanted to go, and the sign said it was just a mile, so up we went.

I was not at all prepared for what happened next. The “trail” was little strip of slippery wet asphalt as wide as one human with a sharp drop down always on one side, that went straight up for 1.25 awful miles, 625 vertical feet, full of 11 sharp switchbacks. Needless to say I didn’t take any pictures on the way up in my combined state of terrified, sweaty, and heart pounding.

The view of the parking lot from the top:


The Falls, from the top:


Us, gross and sweaty, at the very top:


On the way down I did take a few pictures. Like of the awful, steep switchbacks:


But also a few photos of the amazing, perfectly Pacific Northwest, scenery:


After that interesting experience we drove back to Portland for some lunch!

Portland, OR is the food truck capital of the world as far as I’m concerned! No, seriously, they are famous for their abundance, quality, and uniqueness.


We got these amazing pork and arugula sandwiches at The People’s Pig.


John also got some yummy tacos too at Taqueria El Rodeo.


Next up we paid a visit to the Deschutes Brewery. We didn’t take a tour or anything, just had the sampler of their house-brews which were quite tasty.


You could see their brewery from large cut out windows right in the bar. Very cool.


One block down from Deschutes was Powell’s, the super famous book store. I had a giftcard from my girl Michelle (which I spent on cookbooks, yay!). Check out our haul!


At 5PM we went on the distillery tour over at the Rogue Brewery. The tour was a little lackluster (see my Yelp review) since it was all about their distillery (their beer brewery is in a different town in southern Oregon), gin, and whiskey but we ended up getting a beer sampler afterward that made up for it.


We did some more walking and wandering around the city and then headed back to the hotel for a bit.

For dinner we found ourselves at The Observatory which was very hip and cool. To us it felt like part Foundry On Elm, part Highland Kitchen, part Kingston Station (all here in Boston).


Best. Cheese. Plate. Ever.


Roasted garlic, crusty bread, crispy bacon wedges, fruit, yummy cheese, and a delicious red wine caramel.

For dinner I got the pulled pork sandwich and sweet potato fries. What a treat! The sweet potato fries were some of the best I’ve ever had and the pulled pork was something I thought I wouldn’t be able to find in Portland. John had a burger.


We closed out the day driving through the quaintest neighborhood ever up to Mt. Tabor for a evening walk and to view the city from one of it’s best vantage points.


Stay tuned! The honeymoon concludes in the next, and final, blog!

Author: Domestocrat

I'm a lady who enjoys photography, football, cooking, long drives with the windows down, This American Life, kettlecorn, hot yoga, pop punk, my nephews, my cat Reggie, and my home: Boston.

11 thoughts

  1. It’s always so weird to see photos and hear stories about my friends in Portland, Oregon. I was supposed to move there when I was six. It’s like the big sliding doors moment of my life. I would have turned out so differently.

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