Party Food Recipe Round Up

So this weekend we hosted two parties: A UFC126 party on Saturday and Superbowl party on Sunday. This called for mountains of food and many easy, yet healthy recipes.

Just because you have a ton of people over doesn’t mean you have to serve them lame chips and dip or greasy preservative laden junk food. It’s easy and cheap to do that but that’s also the message you send to your friends. I eat healthy and love cooking so I want to treat our guests with the same respect.

Check out the recipe round up below!

UFC party spread:


We served:

Classic Hummus

John’s Pulled Pork

Truffled Mac & Cheese:


On Sunday for our Superbowl party we served:

Feta Guacamole

Salted Caramels

Homemade Pizzas (we had 4 kinds: pineapple, veggie, vegan, and pulled pork):


We served plenty more at each party (M&Ms, cheese plate, pretzels and honey mustard, antipasto platter) but this entry is a recipe share type thing so this is just a list of things we made from scratch.

When we put out our Yuengling insulated drink holder Reggie thought that was for him but alas we stocked it with Saranac root beer!


Author: Domestocrat

I'm a lady who enjoys photography, football, cooking, long drives with the windows down, This American Life, kettlecorn, hot yoga, pop punk, my nephews, my cat Reggie, and my home: Boston.

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